Sunday, August 26, 2012


Our final meeting together this summer was all about middle school! We shared fears, questions, curiosities and excitements about starting 6th grade. It was a special time to listen, be there, and encourage each other. At a time of such change and things to wonder about we focused on the importance of staying true to ourselves and to not lose sight of being our genuine, smart, funny, intelligent, athletic, musical, quiet, loud, funny, calm, outgoing, caring selves.
For their lockers, we made "affirmation" boards. We picked at least 5 positive statements to include on our boards, that would encourage and inspire us while at school.
Everyone worked hard to create a board that was unique and just right for them!
Smiling, working and laughing together was half the fun!

It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since our very first book club together.
 These girls have grown from adorable little 2nd graders to beautiful young ladies!
What a great girl's summer book club we've had!


For our final meeting together we decided to set out on an adventure to explore the "woods" of Awbrey Park.
We bravely balanced across logs.
Posed for pics along the way.
And more pics.
Returning to the park for some time to add our artist touch to book bags.
It was a great last meeting, a perfect time together for our girl's summer book club.
'til we meet again...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Framin' Fun

Our group had a great time creating shell frames!

It was a small group - but we had fun!
Mya on her "shellphone!"



Poetry and Tie-Dye

In the story, Also Known As Harper, the main character uses poetry as an outlet to express her inner thoughts, feelings, and to record her experiences. As a group we each took a turn reading aloud a selection of poetry, from the book, that stood out to us.

Here's one poem:
Words seems more important
When they come through a microphone.
It fancies them up somehow
As if they're not even
Yours anymore.
But I know what
Is really important
Is not where you're standing
When you say them.
It's the one special person
That's listening hard
To hear
What you have to say.
-Harper Lee

Next came some fun tie-dying using Sharpie markers!
Fabric + Sharpies + rubbing alcohol = totally cool tie dye!
Every design was super unique!
Smiles abound with friends!
Always a great time together!